A NEW community cafe in Bude is hoping to bring the town together with an upcoming event.  

On Wednesday, May 1, Berries Community Café, will be hosting the sixth ‘BUDE TOGETHER’ event.  

The free event, organised in collaboration with Neetside Community Centre and Berries Community Cafe, hopes to offer an opportunity for residents to find out what’s going on in the town, meet people and support local groups.

A spokesperson from the Neetside Centre explained: “‘BUDE TOGETHER’ is all about finding out what is going on in Bude, putting faces to names, encouraging people to join and support other groups and celebrating the wide range of community-centred activities and opportunities that exist here in Bude.

“It’s also a great opportunity for local groups to meet each other, collaborate and discuss joint working. 

“Being at the event is the key thing. It's open to all members of the public and community groups who might be interested to hear about what is going on in their town.” 

The evening starts with five, five-minute talks and is followed by 10, one-minute talks. 

“It’s a fairly fast paced evening, with the host, Richard Wolfenden-Brown, and the timekeeper, Deb Rosser, keeping all the speakers on track. 

“Those talking may choose to speak for one minute and take questions for four minutes or just take questions or they may have a talk prepared, but the rule is that they must keep to their five minutes as timings are strictly adhered to.” 

Residents are in for a treat, with plenty of local groups already organised to present to attendees.

Speakers at the event include; Bude Climate Festival, Sing Up Bude, Sustainable Bude, Berries Community Group, Bude Sea Pool, Bude Leisure Centre, and North Kernow Community Housing to name a few. 

A spokesperson continued: “All are welcome and it’s a great way to find out more about local clubs, groups and charities.

“So, if you’ve ever wanted to find out more about walking groups, support services, events or activities that are happening in your town, then do come along.”