A few weeks ago, Mrs Furber, Mrs Baxter and four fabulous St Stephen’s School Breakfast Club ambassadors (Ollie, Alistair, Athena and Maisie) attended the official awards ceremony in the Houses of Parliament held by Kellogg’s.

Not only was this day (with a very early start) a fantastic opportunities for the children to visit London but it was wonderful for our amazing provision to be recognised in this wider arena.

Mrs Baxter, Early Start Breakfast Club manager, was given special recognition for her dedication, care and tireless support for the children and families.

A spokesperson said: “A huge thank to all who make our provision what it is today, we have a fantastic staff who give the children a positive early start that means they are ready for learning and have a fun, friendly start to their day thanks also to our school community and local agencies who help to fund this e.g. Launceston Rotary, Tesco, Launceston Food Bank, Family Action and now...Kellogg’s. As a school we have won £1,000 to spend on our breakfast resources and provision-it sounds a lot but as we all know the cost of living is currently high so it will be used wisely.

“As a UNICEF Rights school we know the value of enabling and inspiring our children-every child has the right to have an education and be supported. We know the positive impact our early morning and wrap around care has on our pupils. By enabling parents to go back to work, by supporting children’s well -being and creating a welcoming school community all can flourish. The children had a fabulous day, they were an absolute credit to St Stephens Community Academy; how often do you have lunch on The Terrace of the Houses of Parliament and represent your school in such a prestigious event. They were also treated to a ride on the London Eye and had goody bags full of cake, Kellogg’s cereals and books written by Marcus Rushford dedicated to all breakfast club children. Wow, thank you to Kellogg’s for enabling this day to happen and for being a brilliant team at organising and coordinating this great event. Also, a special thank you to Ian Gilbert and Derek Basford -our wonderful minibus drivers who drove us to and from Exeter train station during ‘out of school hours’!”

This week students have also been visited by ITV Westcountry to see the award winning breakfast club provision which was aired on ITV Westcountry on Friday and Mrs Furber has been involved in four different radio interviews (Cornwall Radio Live, Times Radio Live, Sky News and Pirate FM) discussing the benefits of breakfast clubs and how schools can support their communities.

She added: “I am so immensely proud of the team here that make such incredible things happen; the children are always the driving focus at St Stephens.”