MEMBERS of the Inner Wheel Club of Bude recently dressed in their best and gathered at the Falcon Hotel for their annual changeover dinner.  

On Monday, July 8, members came together to mark a new year for the Inner Wheel.  

Outgoing president, Hilary Rainsley thanked her committee for their hard work and support during her year and passed the chain of office to the incoming President, Di McDougall. 

A spokesperson for the group said: “Di will be well known to many in Bude from her years as Dr Gurd of the school medical and family planning services.”  

The new president of Bude Rotary Club, Martin Yeo, was on hand to present Di with a bouquet of flowers. Then followed a short meeting in which President Di introduced her committee and set out her plans for the coming year which will include a coffee morning in November and the ever popular Charity Lunch next April 

Along with this, Di announced her chosen charities, which include CLIC Sargent, Bude Parkinson’s Society and Bude Sea Pool.  

A spokesperson concluded: “Food features in most Inner Wheel functions so the meeting was followed by a delicious two course meal and plenty of opportunity for chat.”