THE Farming Community Network is set to benefit from the outstanding fundraising efforts of the Callington Young Farmers.
A total of £1,678.55 was raised by the group following their annual dung run held last month for the FCN, which is a voluntary organisation and charity that supports farmers, farming families and people in rural communities through difficult times and periods of change.
The charity’s aim is help to build thriving communities, encourage resilience and help farming people to explore their options.
The FCN is made up of more than 400 volunteers across England and Wales, many of whom are involved in farming, or who have close links with agriculture.
It was part of an action-packed few weeks for Callington YFC, who also celebrated their annual dinner and dance, which was held at Trethorne Golf and Country Club.
The well-attended evening, including guest speakers Nigel and Liz Bunkum, saw a selection of trophies and awards handed out for achievements over the past year by club president Martin Howlett.
During the past 12 months, the club have entered competitions at the Royal Cornwall Show, other country events, as well as their own internal annual trophies.
Award winners:
Attendance and participation over 18 - Kerys Pearce and Sam Tucker
Attendance and participation under 18 - Abi Lucas and Sam Whell
Most points gained for attending events - Richard Gregg and Kerys Pearce
Participation in the Royal Cornwall Show/rally - Kerys Pearce
Award for supporting the retiring chairman - Abi Lucas
For showing efficiency and motivation - Nathan Delbridge
New members involvement and enthusiasm - Ross Lucas
Participation in sports events - Sam Tucker
Photography in the annual competitions field day - Sam Whell
Overall winner in the annual competitions field day - Kerys Pearce
Overall enthusiasm, commitment and help - Abbie Bellringer
Overall questions guest speakers most effectively - Reece Legg