A POPULAR community event is still set to return, despite the cancellation of the local agricultural show where the results are usually announced.

Camelford in Bloom, an annual flower competition held in the historic market town, will still go ahead at the end of July.

The competition sees businesses and individuals pit their horticultural wits against one another, with a panel of judges deciding who wins the coveted category prizes available.

Four perpetual cups will be awarded to the winners, with one category for businesses, two for residents and one for the best allotment garden.

The four categories comprise of commercial, residential (window boxes or hanging baskets), residential (front gardens) and allotment garden.

One requirement for the commercial and residential displays for Camelford in Bloom is that they must be viewable from the road, therefore negating the need for the judges to enter any properties to view the displays.

Entry forms are available by contacting Camelford Town Council, with a printable version also available from its Facebook page. Forms can also be collected by visiting the town’s library.

The closing date for applications is July 26, 2024, with judging commencing during the week beginning July 29, 2024.

While usually the announcement of the winners would take place at the annual Camelford Show, with its cancellation this year, the council has confirmed it will instead announce it on social media.

A spokesperson for Camelford Town Council said: “As the temperatures steadily start to rise and with the sun finally poking it's head out from behind the clouds (please trust us and don't look up), it'll soon be time once again for 'Camelford in Bloom'!

“If you are interested in entering this year, feel free to download and print a copy of the form (from the facebook page), or collect a copy from the library. Once completed, either email your completed form to: [email protected], or drop it back in to the library.

“Please also note that, because Camelford Show is not running for 2024, the winners of this year's CIB will be announced on social media instead (we will also call and/or email all of the winners individually).”