The Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Stephen Otter, visited Bude on Tuesday, March 16 to inspect a number of local policing initiatives that are attracting interest throughout Devon and Cornwall.

During the morning, the Chief Constable first met with Inspector Andy Lewis, Sgt Lynden Hughes (Bude), Sgt Aaron Ward (Launceston) and Sgt Paul Jones (Camelford). During this meeting, Sgt Jones gave a presentation on a unique PACT (Partners and Communities Together) system that he had developed and was now operating within the local policing teams of the three stations.

Sgt Hughes explained how he was trying to get this system mirrored by the local Community Network structures of Cornwall Council. Sgt Hughes detailed how ultimately it could create an environment where the local policing teams and council services are far more locally aligned making them able to respond more quickly and effectively to community issues.

Sgt Ward gave a presentation on the innovative way the three local policing teams have been utilising social media networks to inform local communities and to foster a culture where issues can be discussed in an online forum.

The Chief Constable regularly conducts foot patrol when he visits different locations and his visit to Bude proved no exception. Whilst on patrol in the town, Mr Otter spoke to a number of local residents about the issues that affected them. He later recorded these issues on the local PACT system developed by Sgt Jones.

That afternoon, Mr Otter attended the British Legion Club at Burn View. During the visit he met a number of the local veterans and representatives from the Bude area.

The Chief Constable was very interested to hear about the Bude Community CCTV Project, probably the first community run system in the country and the recent success that CATS and Budehaven School have achieved in creating the Friday Night Splash Project.

Mr Otter also had chance to catch up on the progress of The Street Pastors Scheme which is being introduced to Bude in the summer. He expressed his confidence that its success throughout the Devon and Cornwall area would also be felt amongst the local communities in Bude.