THE sun was shining for this year’s Marhamchurch Revel, as the community came out in force to celebrate this annual event.

A large number of locals, visitors and villagers attended this year’s revel as the sun shone and Queen Lottie was crowned by Old Father Time who also gave his traditional speech in the village square.  

The bough boys with their green branches stood behind as the Queen opened the revel as per previous years and then rode a horse onto the revel field, followed by her marshall Fred, pages Barney and Reuben, flower girl Connie, and her maids Cali, Evie-Mae, Tilly, Hettie, Maisie and Annabelle 

There were a variety of stalls at this year’s event, including some fan favourites and some new additions. These ranged from the ever-popular cake stall to traditional funfair games. 

Drinks and Ice Cream were welcome in the sunshine and the scouts’ barbecue tent was very popular too. In the Bray Institute, ladies served cream teas all afternoon where the royal party also enjoyed a special tea on the stage. 

The children’s races provided a lot of interest from young people as sweets were given as the prizes. 

The ‘Revel Grand Prize Draw’ offered some lovely prizes and was the final event on the field at the end of the afternoon. 

Early evening saw crowds gathering for the ‘Pram Race’. Entries assembled in the village square as Rev. David Saunders judged the array of entries. In the junior class, the Barbies came first, Minion One came second and Spongebob, third.  

As two prams had both adults and children, there were prizes too for The Swarm and Welsh Cheddar. 

In the senior class race Minion One took the victory, The Swarm second, with Welsh Cheddar coming third, with Men in Black taking the gold medal for fancy dress. 

Organisers have thanked those for attending and those who assisted in putting together the day’s wonderful events.  

A spokesperson said: “Thank you to Tony and George who compared the evening with great commentary, laughter and adding their personal touches to the event. Thank you to Nikki and Sam from the Bullers Arms who very generously donated the refreshments.”