PENSILVA’S Carnival Fun Day went ahead after a move from the rain-soaked outdoors to a dry Millennium Hall.

“Even though the weather was horrendous, it was a fantastic success after the committee moved everything inside, and what an amazing organised event it turned out to be,” said Liskeard mayor Christina Whitty, who presented awards.

With entries to the fancy dress categories well supported, a dog show was also popular and the stalls and raffle helped groups to raise money for various charities.
“Congratulations to Vanessa and Keith and their committee for all their hard work.”
St Melor’s Church
Morning prayer will be held in St Melor’s Church, Linkinhorne, on Monday and Wednesday at 10am.
Morning prayer on Sunday, July 28, will be held at 11am.
St Paul’s Church
A ‘Meet & Eat Breakfast’ will be held in the Cross Link Centre at 10am.
Volunteer Cornwall
Chris Price, transport officer, reports that this is a charity dedicated to building and developing the wellbeing of individuals and communities in Cornwall.
This is by working in collaboration with a wide range of organisations to promote and support active citizenship and voluntary action in Cornwall. Support is provided to all aspects across the county.
Volunteer drivers are needed in this area so if you have any spare time, regular or Ad-hoc, evenings, weekends or odd days for hospital appointments, school runs, charities and group events please get in touch. Drivers are required to undertake training in Safeguarding and MIDAS every two years. You will be providing a vital service and helping isolated and vulnerable people get to where they need to be. If available please get in touch [email protected] or call 01872 265300.
Mileage is reimbursed at a rate of 45p per mile.
Rilla Mill Carnival and Summer Fayre
Unfortunately this event was postponed last Saturday at short notice in view of the inclement weather. It will now be held on Saturday, July 27.
Entrants for the carnival please gather in the usual Rillaton field at the top of the village at 12.30pm and the procession will start at 1pm to Parson’s Meadow by the river for the fayre to include the model raft race, duck race, BBQ, stalls, competitions etc.
Light refreshments available too from the meadow kitchen. Unfortunately the Launceston Town Band cannot now lead the procession as they are booked for another event.
Old Cornwall Society
On Wednesday, August 7, Bodmin Old Cornwall Society will be holding a short service in remembrance of the nine people (including eight from three generations ofone family) who all perished when a bomb was dropped on Mill Street (now Dennison Road) on August 7, 1942, at 1.30pm.
On Sunday, August 18, at 3pm Bodmin Old Cornwall Society will be holding their annual Service commemorating The Prayer Book Rebellion in 1549. The Service commences a 3pm in St Petroc's Church Bodmin and will be attended by organisations from all over Cornwall who will finish the Service with a Procession of Banners.
Hospital Radio Plymouth
Kevin has volunteered for Hospital Radio Plymouth for 40 years and interviews local famous and not so famous faces with a link to the West Country for Andrew Hill’s show ‘Wired for the Weekend’.
There has been a huge diversity in who he has interviewed, from Pam Rhodes presenter of Songs of Praise, to Jethro and Ann Widdecombe to David Blunkett and many local MP’s. He also interviews people closer to home, including mayors and the town crier of Launceston.

Since the days of cassette radio Kevin has had to get into the digital age and he says this is easier as he carries his digital recorder at all times as he never knows who is walking the streets near his hometown of Launceston. He aims to interview a different person each week and tries to go to local events to do this.
Established in 1969, Hospital Radio Plymouth provides a mixture of entertainment, news and sport 24 hours a day.
The station is run and operated by unpaid volunteers and is always looking for volunteers to help with the technical side, administration and fundraising as well as presenting shows.
Anyone interested in joining should contact membership secretary John Gerrans on 01752 784300 or e-mail [email protected]
MS Group
A meeting is to be held at The Eagle House Hotel on August 29 at 7pm to try to establish an MS Group.
All welcome if interested.
Rehoboth Chapel
Rehoboth Singalong proved to be a most enjoyable occasion, on July 14, singing the hymns chosen by John and Jean Statton who led the evening. The hymns were: "And can it be","From sinking sands He lifted me", "Eternal Father strong to save", "Jesus loves me", and "When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound".
Barbara Uglow played the organ. The evening concluded with supper. The charity box continues at the back of the chapel.
Coads Green
Women’s Institute
Many of the members of Coad’s Green W.I. could well have admired the photographs of wildlife photographer, Colin Sargent, in the Western Morning News, but may not have realised the time and patience needed to capture such perfect shots. President, Linda Willan, had great pleasure in introducing Colin, also a winner of the Ocean Territory Stamp competition, as the speaker, to the July meeting. He showed a selection of his pictures of landscape and wildlife, as well as telling the stories behind them. Capturing the right moment requires an understanding of the equipment needed, the importance of the effect of lighting on a photograph and the patience and time involved, which could run into months. He talked of the occasional tricks that he had employed to encourage wildlife into shot and showed the most charming pictures of foxes, field mice and kingfishers. Members were treated to some amusing anecdotes.
Jackie Stephens gave the vote of thanks for such a visually entertaining talk.
There is plenty to look forward to over the next few weeks and months.
Coad’s Green cooks, Alison Gribble and Pat Mallett will be giving one of their popular cookery demonstrations, in the village hall, on Wednesday, September 18, at 7pm. This year the question, “Should I put an Air Fryer in my Trolley?” will be posed!
The first group meeting will take place in the village hall at Coad’s Green on Wednesday, September 25, from 7pm to 9pm. It will be a social evening involving groups from Launceston, Lezant and Altarnun, with entertainment provided by the Launceston Pop Choir.
Coad’s Green WI will be providing the breakfasts at the Farmers’ Market, on September 28, to round off a busy month.
The monthly competition was won by Barbara Sleep, with Vivienne Daniel in second place and Linda Willan in third. Vivienne Daniel won the flower-of-the-month, with Linda Willan taking second place and Barbara Sleep taking third.
Refreshments were served by Jackie Stephens, Vivian Trewin and Julia Gaunt.
The August meeting and annual social will include a visit to the chair museum at Polson followed by a shared supper at the home of Janet Ham. The starting time will be 6.30pm.
Walk and Talk
We had some good turnouts on our walks last month. One week we had 17 walkers on each of our Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 walks.
We often refer to the benefits of walking to both physical and psychological health and were interested to read of a new study from the European Society of Cardiovascular health. The study showed that the risk of dying from disease of the heart and blood vessels are reduced even by taking a short daily walk of one mile. The researchers went on to say that ‘In a world where we have more and more advanced drugs to target specific conditions such as cardiovascular disease, we should always emphasise that lifestyle changes like walking are at least as, or even more effective in reducing cardiovascular risk and prolonging lives’.

It is always satisfying to be able to prove theory in every day life and to that effect we are proud to have two regular nonagenarian walkers in our Monday Walk in the Park group. Pam celebrated her 90th birthday last month and Marion, our Walk Leader, notched up 91 years. The kitchen ladies at The Coffee Room very generously made a cake for Pam which we all enjoyed. We had a very sociable morning with lots of laughter and congratulations and put into practice other research that socialising and being part of a group have far reaching benefits to overall health. The Coffee Room ladies were particularly pleased to be able to provide for and share Pam’s special birthday as their ethos is to provide a welcoming space to promote and support emotional well being. The Coffee Room is open Mondays and Thursdays from 10am to 12.30pm. On the last Thursday of the month they open earlier at 8.45am, and try to have a speaker on local topics.
If you would like to join us we walk on Mondays and Fridays. All walks start at 10.30 am and are FREE. Membership forms are available from our Volunteer Walk Leaders prior to the start of the walk.
The website has lots of up to date information, together with our current programme of walks;
Bude & District U3A
Members of Bude & District U3A were treated to a theatrical presentation by the u3a drama group for their July open meeting at the Parkhouse Centre in Bude. Instead of the usual guest speaker at a monthly meeting, the drama group performed a short ‘quartet of plays and sketches, with the emphasis on comedy’.
First, however, the notices and u3a business matters were dealt with by vice chairman, Jim Buck. Jim welcomed everyone and reminded members that the new membership year begins in September, closely followed by the AGM in October. More information will be available in the u3a August newsletter and on the u3a website – There is no monthly meeting in August.
Speaker secretary, Valerie Langdown then introduced the drama group leader, Paul Constantinou who gave a brief introduction to what the audience was about to see. ‘Using comedy as the medium, the plays explore various aspects of modern life’, he said. Subject matter included the potential pitfalls of online dating, life in an office where everyone turns out to be a robot, meeting through a personal column, and ‘a bird’s eye view of being human’, where the three characters are crows.
The six cast members played a variety of roles and were warmly applauded at the end of the set. Paul thanked the audience and said how much the group had enjoyed preparing and rehearsing for the show. New members are also always welcome he added.
The customary tea/coffee and biscuits came next as members chatted to friends, old and new. At the next monthly meeting on September 19, the topic is ‘Collecting Antiques, Auctions, and Unusual Objects from the past’. The speaker is Jim Bischoff. The next u3a coffee morning is on August 2 at the Weir Café and is open to members and non-members.
The drama group is one of almost 40 Bude U3A interest groups available to members, the newest of which is an allotmenteering group. This group works on an allotment-style garden plot in a local walled garden. Other subject possibilities include three walking groups, drawing, poetry, croquet, Mahjong, Bridge, Scrabble, discussion, music, creative writing, history, art history, line dancing, Tai Chi, British Sign Language, photography, and much more. For further information go to the Bude u3a website:
Royal Naval Association
On the occasion of "Bude Heritage Day" on Sunday, July 21, the branch was delighted to be present and support the occasion. Housed within the Parkhouse Centre to avoid adverse weather, naturally it turned out to be a warm, sunny and very pleasant day outside. You can't win with the weather!
Nevertheless, it was good to mingle and meet with like-minded stall holders and the public - and it put the RNA once again in the showcase of what is good and progressive about Bude & Stratton. It was also a pleasure to welcome a new associate member, Rev David Saunders to membership. We look forward to supporting him at "The Blessing of the Sea" Ceremony in August at the Breakwater.
Week St Mary
Bonaventures WI
Molte grazie e buona salute! This was the toast to our hosts at our Summer Social Evening. As a change to our regular monthly meetings with speakers, in the summer(!) we all get together with guests so that we can meet socially and enjoy wonderful food and drink. On this occasion Micheline and Stephen were kind enough to host the evening – we were hoping to be in their garden but, unfortunately, the weather was not kind to us.

The entertainment committee planned an Italian theme and provided excellent food washed down with Prosecco and red wine. Several other members provided an incredible offering of various desserts (it was the WI). After a speech of thanks by our President, Sue Dickenson, she raised a toast to our hosts and thank you gifts were presented to both the hosts and members of the entertainment committee for all their hard work. A thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all and the committee have been left wondering how they can top this for the next event!
There will be break for the summer and the date of the next regular meeting is Thursday, September 12, at 7pm for 7.30pm start which will be held in the Methodist School Room. The speaker will be David Thorn from Spencer Thorn who will be “Sharing the History of Bude” with us. Anyone interested in finding out more about our WI can contact Roberta Jones, secretary on 07788 548875.