Sing Up Bude
At Sing Up Bude! we provide friendly, inclusive singing and music making sessions for anyone who wants to improve their well-being.
Many in our community struggle with anxiety, loneliness, dementia, perhaps long-COVID or are an unpaid carer, recently bereaved or have a physical or invisible disability that can prevent them from getting out and interacting with others.
Sing Up Bude! hold a free drop in session twice a month on a Thursday afternoon at the Bude Methodist Church. The emphasis is on singing for fun and no previous experience is necessary, some weeks we also explore rhythm through percussion instruments or even steel drums!

We have had a wonderful first year with many different styles and genres of music on offer each week. We were lucky enough to have some uplifting sea shanty sessions with The Barrel Seagals. Ashwater Community Steel Band came along with their steel drums for us to play and we raised the roof with Carribean rhythms. All sessions encourage participation and a ‘have a go’ approach, but we often find the songs and music are too infectious to resist!

Music and singing can be powerful in many ways and is very good for our mental and physical health. It can bring people together, it can help us to express emotion (and ideas), act as a prompt for those with memory loss/impairment to unlock memories and language. Music encourages physical activity, through dancing or movement. It can promote a general feeling of well-being, build on self-confidence and interaction with others all the while fostering friendships and connections to the community.
Research has demonstrated that music can help to reduce blood pressure, muscle tension and even help to manage pain.
We engage local musicians with a wide range of musical styles and we have sung everything from the Beatles to Bob Marley and all everything in between so there’s always something for everyone.

If you would like to come and see if Sing Up Bude! is for you, please contact us at the email address below for up to date details of dates and times.
Our start date for 2025 is February 13th 2.00 till 4.00 at Bude Methodist Church. For more information email [email protected]
St Mary Magdalene Church
James Wonnacott took a service of choral evensong at St Mary’s recently to celebrate Epiphany with the lessons read by Rob Tremain.
The choir, under the direction of Dr Sean Sweeney, sang the Responses by Sanders with Andy Dunning as cantor, psalm 98 and the canticles to a setting in C by Stanford. The anthem was “Tres Magi de Gentibus” (Eastern Monarchs) by C S Lang which was previously unknown to most of the choir.
Dr Sweeney played sonata no. 3 by Alexandre Guilmant on the organ as a recessional after the service.
Women’s Institute
Malcolm gave an interesting talk on "finding the Source of the nile".
The talk with slides was mind boggling. The men who went to look for the source were made of hard stuff. So many things went wrong including illness, animal bites, Tsetse flies etcetera. It was difficult to keep up. What a talk.
After a cup of tea we drew the curtains to find it was snowing and settling. We closed the meeting to enable members to drive back safely which was much appreciated.
So no business was done. There were two new members who came and enjoyed the talk. Our membership continues to rise and both new members are keen to get involved which is good news.
North Hill
Parish council
North Hill Parish Council met on January 6 at North Hill Village Hall.
The sad passing of councillor Brian Ruby was noted at the beginning of the meeting, it was raised that Cllr Ruby had made a significant contribution to the parish council over many years and agreed that marking his contribution in some way would be appropriate. The matter would be listed for more detailed discussion at the next meeting. It was also noted that Cllr John Harcourt had resigned but agreed that given the local elections were shortly due to take place, the two vacancies on the parish council would not be advertised until May.
Also discussed was one planning application
PA24/08849 – Berrio Cottage, North Hill, PL15 7NL – Listed building consent for proposal to remove and relay the existing roof which was suffering from nail fatigue and allowing water ingress – No objections were made as this was essential maintenance to a listed building.
Other planning information forwarded by Cornwall Council included:
PA24/08862 - Tregood Farm Bodmin Road Congdons Shop Launceston PL15 7PN - Prior approval for change of use of two agricultural buildings to 2no dwellinghouses.
PA24/08898 - Land South East Of Drogeada Close Drogeada Close Coads Green Launceston PL15 7LU - Prior notification of agricultural or forestry development for new fodder and machinery store.
PA24/05278 - Penhallow Chapel Lane North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PQ - Proposal Demolition of existing wooden carport and replacement with single-storey extension, construction of a single-storey extension to the side and rear of the dwelling, installation of solar panels and other associated works - approved.
PA24/08770 - Tuckers Garage Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY - Proposal Submission of details to discharge Condition number 2 in respect of Decision Notice PA23/00832 dated 21/06/24.
PA24/08082 - The Agricultural Barn, Hallicombe Farm, Bathpool, PL15 7NP – Prior approval for change of use to a single dwellinghouse and operational development not required.
All were listed for information only.
Other matters discussed included the ‘Voice Over Communication Resilience and Emergency Planning’ which will be listed again for further discussion in March 2025. One councillor was currently researching this in more detail and had confirmed that volunteers would be required, alongside a method for identification of the most vulnerable groups in the community. It was resolved to support the vote of no confidence in Cornwall Council planning enforcement and also to support the campaign for the A388 Road Safety Campaign. Finally, Cllr Adrian Parsons reported on the motion to support the ‘Critical A30 Safety Upgrade at Plusha Junction Accident Blackspot’.
The next meeting is due to take place on February 3 at 7.30pm, members of the public are welcome to attend and encouraged to contribute their views.
St James the Great Parish Church
St James the Great Christmas Craft Fair saw stalls from local artists and craft makers in just about every space in the Church on Saturday, November 30.
A constant flow of people streamed through the doors from 11am till 3pm, able to purchase all kinds of Christmas presents and more. There were refreshments available throughout.
Saturday, December 14, was the date of the Kilkhampton Village Christmas Fayre, which was once again held in the Grenville Rooms and in a Marquee alongside. As well as many, many stalls selling Christmas Fayre, there was a Balloon Man, a Bucking Reindeer, a Snow Globe, free Face Painting and crafts for children and Santa was in his Grotto! Festive food and hot beverages were available. The singing of Carols concluded the evening which were led by Bude Metric Brass under the conductorship of Colin Gay and some of the Choir from the Parish Church of St James the Great. It was an evening of festive fun for all ages and thanks must be given to the Kilkhampton Village Christmas Fayre committee for organising a wonderful evening.
The parish council, as always, organised Carol Singing around the Christmas Tree at St James Church on Wednesday, December 11. Roger Dunstan acted as Master of Ceremonies and gave a brief history behind each Carol. The singing was led by Bude Metric Brass, who were sheltered under the lych gate and were conducted by Colin Gay. The Council handed around sweets to the large number present, despite the rather chilly weather. A vote of thanks was proposed by Kingsley Bryant. Very welcome hot soup was served after the Carol Singing in The London Inn, with thanks going to the mine host for the provision of this.
On the Sunday prior to Christmas, St James the Great Parish Church saw a number of children and adults learn about the story of how Jesus came to us. From 2.30pm until 4pm a children's party was held, with various activities for the children and their parents. At 4pm the Christingle and Crib service commenced, led by Hilbre Watts and Rev Teresa Folland. The newly refurbished Hand Bells were rung by our group of Hand Bell ringers, giving a delightful sound around the Church. T his was a first time for the group and we hope it won't be their last, we look forward to hearing them again! The choir rendered 'Candles in the window' and led the singing of the Carols with Luke Francis at the organ.
The carols were: ‘Little Donkey’, ‘See Him lying on a bed of straw’, ‘Angels, from the realms of Glory’, ‘O little town of Bethlehem’ and ‘Silent Night’.
There were lots of things hidden around the church to help us all tell the story, with the children collecting them up and forming the crib, adding the strips of cloth and wrapping the baby Jesus - the light of the World.
The whole congregation formed a circle around the church and the Christingles were gradually lit with help from the children and readings were read in the candlelight, finally Away in a manger was also sung in candlelight. The large congregation enjoyed mulled wine, mince pies and other festive refreshments after the service.
Nine Lessons and Carols were led by Rev Richard Ward-Smith, with Luke Francis on the organ in The London Inn on Monday, December 23. There was a prize raffle and Christmas nibbles, thanks again to the mine host.
Christmas Eve saw the Parish Church of St James the Great virtually packed for the service of nine lessons and carols. Before the service commenced the choir rendered: 'Candles in the window'. The welcome and bidding prayers were led by Rev Teresa Folland.
The carols were led by Luke Francis playing the organ and Bude Metric Brass under the conductorship of Colin Gay.
The carols were: ‘Once in Royal David's city’ (with the first verse sung as an unaccompanied solo by Susan Heard), ‘O come all ye faithful’, ‘While shepherds watched’, ‘Angels in the realms of Glory’, ‘Silent Night’, ‘O little town of Bethlehem’, ‘Good Christian men rejoice’, ‘We three Kings’ and ‘Hark the Herald Angels sing’.
The choir rendered: 'O Holy Night', which was a very special part of the service.
The lessons were read by: Rachel Jenkins, Rev Richard Ward-Smith, Gillian Chibbett, John Cleave, Ian Mason, Kevin McGrath, Graham Harris, Susan Heard, and Rev Teresa Folland.
The blessing was given by Rev Richard Ward-Smith.
With everyone in the Christmas spirit the recessional Carol was: We wish you a Merry Christmas.
Rev Jane Bradbury led the service of Holy Communion at the Parish Church of St James the Great on Christmas morning with Luke Francis playing the organ.
Thanks are given to those who decorated the beautiful Christmas tree and decorated the church for Christmas throughout with fine arrangements including many candles. The Nativity Scene was also a spectacular sight. Thanks also to our dedicated team of bell ringers for ringing the church bells prior to services, not just at Christmas time but throughout the whole year.
Women’s Institute
On a wintery January afternoon, we held our first meeting of 2025.
Following our regular WI business, we set about a taste testing afternoon organised by one of our members. It involved sampling various items of party food ranging from nibbles to cheeses, to pork pies and mini sausage rolls and sweet morsels too. We compared the like for like samples taken from three different high street supermarkets and collated the results proving that quality and taste aren’t always the most expensive.
This month’s competition – A poem about Rev R S Hawker was jointly won by Debbie, Val, Kathryn and Judith and the ‘Flower of the Month’ was won by Kathryn.
This year marks the sesquicentenary of Rev Hawker’s death in August 1875, and he is still regarded affectionately by the people of Morwenstow.
Our poetry competition this month was the start of many other references/events planned, culminating in the celebrations over the weekend of August 16 and 17.
A total of £95 was raised for Holsworthy Food Bank from donations given towards the Chapel Christmas Card which was in the Chapel Foyer throughout Advent for people to sign as an alternative to handing cards to one another.
Friends from Bodmin Street Methodist Church in Holsworthy joined us at Chilsworthy Methodist Chapel on a very wet morning, with floods in places on the first Sunday in January for our Covenant service which was led by Rev Meg Slingo.
The welcome and notices was given by Ruth Bealing.
We worshipped the Lord by singing: ‘Be Thou my vision’, ‘To God be the glory’, ‘Take my life and let it be’, ‘Oh to see the dawn’ and ‘Thy strength is small’.
The singing was led by Dionne Bere on the keyboard, Mark Shepherd on the guitar and with Marlene Heard, Avril Glessing and John Cleave as vocalists.
Lessons were read by Mark Banks and Christine Forster and the prayers of intercession were led by Ruth Bealing.
The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper was administered by Rev Meg assisted by Ruth Bealing, with Mary Care acting as Communion Steward.
Thank you to Tim Watson and team for manning the tech desk.
Coffee and biscuits were served after the service. Donations after the service and after the Christmas Eve service were for 'Action for Children'.
We look forward to welcoming everyone at Holsworthy Memorial Hall next Wednesday (January 15), when Chilsworthy Chapel is hosting the coffee morning. There will be Cake and Browse and Buy Stalls as well as a prize raffle. Come and enjoy a cup of coffee with home-made biscuits and meet up with friends as we begin the New Year.
Women’s Institute
Well – snowy scenes, freezing temperatures and icy roads meant that the January meeting was postponed to next month, so that everyone could stay safe and warm but, in true Pensilva WI style, there was still plenty of action behind the scenes!
Posies were taken, as soon as possible, to members celebrating their birthday this month – Jean Hoare, Belinda Smith, Jean Cole, Zandra Patten and Di Whittle.
The usual smaller member groups continued to be active during the month – with a creative sewing day, walking netball and the committee all keeping people busy.
Planning also continued for upcoming events:
Marie Curie Afternoon tea on Saturday, March 15, 2.30pm to 4pm at Pensilva Village hall – everybody most welcome for delicious refreshments, raffle and bring and buy.
Members and their families are also invited to the annual skittles afternoon at Millennium House – February 22, 2pm to 4pm.
The February meeting (postponed from January) will be a special event, open to everyone on Wednesday, February 12 – an evening with Tony Rea from Great British Sewing Bee. £5 to visitors and there will be a raffle for Tony’s charity. He will display some of his creations and talk about his time on the show. 7.15pm Millennium House. We hope that you can make this new date. All welcome!
Pensilva WI are still collecting used stamps for CFWI (Cornwall Federation of WIs) – all money raised will go to events within the county, including the Royal Cornwall Show tent. Please give to any member or put in the collection boxes at Millennium house. Thank you!
St Melor’s Church
Morning prayer will be held on Mondays only at 10am.
Evensong will be at 6pm on Sunday, January 19.
St Paul’s Church
Methodist communion will be held in St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, on Sunday, January 19, at 9.15am.
Parish allotment
The parish allotment holders are in need of well rotted manure so they would be very grateful to anyone able to offload some.
Contact Simon Parker on email simoncharlesparker@btinternetcom
Parish hall
The Art & Craft Show at Upton Cross was a huge success with the raffle raising £292 plus the generous donation from the organiser Ruth Carthew of £750 which will allow the renewal of some furniture this year.
The usual activities continue with Film Night on January 18 at 7.30pm (The Lost King re King Richard the Third) and the monthly coffee morning on Tuesday, January 21, from 10.30am to noon.
Don’t forget their will also be a quiz night on January 25 too.