BUDE Library and Information Service will continue to remain at the heart of the local community, with Bude-Stratton Town Council having officially taken over management of the service in a new partnership agreement with Cornwall Council.

The town council marked the occasion with a key handover ceremony on Friday, March 1 outside the main doors of the building on the Wharf. Accepting the key was mayor of Bude-Stratton Town Council, Bob Willingham, handed over by James Webb, representing the library information service at Cornwall Council.

The pair were joined by library staff Sally Travers-Clapp, Barbara Gibson and Robert Andrew, castle and communities manager Mark Berridge, Bude-Stratton’s town clerk Keith Cornwell, Cornwall Councillor (and Bude-Stratton town councillor) Peter La Broy, alongside his fellow town councillors.

Cllr Willingham said: “I am delighted that Bude-Stratton Town Council is taking over the library, by this action we have secured the long term future of the library for the people of this parish and others who use this valuable service.

“I want to thank Cllr Peter Moores and Christopher Sims, the former Bude community link officer, for their forward thinking to investigate devolving the library to the town council.”

Mark Berridge, castle and communities manager, will be taking the library under his wing and will be responsible for managing the service in addition to his current duties at The Castle (which is also owned and run by Bude-Stratton Town Council).

He said of the new partnership: “I think Bude can really benefit from having the library under town council management as our town now has a greater say over the service.

“We are actively encouraging residents to join the library and to make use of the services available. Come on down, we’ll be delighted to sign you up for a library card! Plus, since the Castle is but a minute away, there’s the perfect excuse to treat yourself to a nice cuppa and a cake, or a light lunch, after signing up.

“Lastly, I’d like to remind all existing library users that there will be no change to the current great service they are familiar with, and we’ll be looking at what other activities we can provide.”

Sally Travers-Clapp, senior library and information assistant, added: “After this period of uncertainty, staff are delighted that Bude-Stratton Town Council are taking the library on. We’re all excited to be a part of this new era.”

Sally Travers-Clapp leads the team at Bude Library and Information Service, which includes Barbara Gibson, Robert Andrew and Sam Horton, and their dedicated volunteers.

Edwina Hannaford, Cornwall Council cabinet member for neighbourhoods, said: “We have been working closely with town and parish councils and community groups to find the best custodians for local libraries through our library transformation programme.

“Our aim has always been to work with partners and communities to create sustainable services aligned to local needs. As a result of our agreement with Bude-Stratton Town Council, local residents will be able to continue enjoying their library for many years to come.”

For more information about the new partnership between Bude-Stratton Town Council and Cornwall Council with Bude Library, please visit: https://www.bude-stratton.gov.uk/bude-library-partnership/