FAITH groups from across Cornwall came together on Wednesday, November 13 to sign Cornwall’s new Faith Covenant, a joint commitment between Cornwall Council and local faith communities to work together to support residents.
The Covenant was developed by Cornwall Council in partnership with faith groups to help bring communities together and promote a sense of pride in Cornwall’s diversity. Cornwall Council is the first local authority in the south-west to develop a Covenant but many other councils across the UK have developed one using a model created by the All Party Parliamentary group on Faith and Society.
All the groups involved came together at an event at Lys Kernow, Truro to sign the Covenant which included members of the Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islam, Jewish, and Pagan faith, alongside a representative from the Humanist community. Each representative brought an object that is important to their faith as a way of encouraging a wider understanding of their beliefs.
Video: Cornwall Council
Leader of Cornwall Council, Cllr Linda Taylor, and Cornwall Council CEO Kate Kennally, signed the document on behalf of the council. Cllr Taylor said: “I am pleased that the Covenant recognises and builds on existing work - improving our partnership working and promoting open, practical working on all levels.
“We know that faith is important to many people in Cornwall and want to recognise that and celebrate the broad landscape of faith.
“And, ultimately for the benefit of Cornwall and its people, create a welcoming, safe and flourishing place in which to live, work and grow up. This is very much in line with Cornwall Council’s mission for a carbon neutral Cornwall, where everyone can start well, live well and age well.”

Andrew Yates, chair of Cornwall Faith Forum said: “We welcome the development of a Faith Covenant for Cornwall and it is significant that we are launching the work during Interfaith Week.
“It has been a truly collaborative piece of work to get to this stage. We look forward to putting the commitment into practice through a Faith Covenant Partnership Board through which we will develop our work programme.”
To read the Covenant in full, visit: