A FUNDRAISER has been launched to raise money for major refurbishments to The Old Bank in Camelford.

The site, which functions as a community space, is in need of upgrades to get its community larder back up and running.

The Old Bank and Community Larder supports people who are struggling through the cost of living crisis. The site helps locals with everyday food and cupboard essentials, and fresh food stock up.  

Initially established in 2016 for community use, The Old Bank was joined by the town’s community larder.

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, the community larder played a vital role in assisting people in the community through emergency food parcels.  

The Old Bank offers cooking classes that enable people to cook healthy meals on a budget and provides a community space at affordable prices for local groups, running regular activities such as quiz nights and art classes, and events. 

A spokesperson from the larder said: “We are extremely lucky that previously we have had grants for the food to be bought but this is getting more difficult. 

“So we want to open the community larder back up for people to use once the renovation work has been completed. 

“Our plans consist of the Old Bank and Community Larder reopening the community kitchen, but our kitchen and appliances are broken and need to be replaced, we are a charity who support people with food and are unable to afford the cost of the new appliances.”  

With funds, the group have several plans, including the re-introduction of community cooking classes. 

The spokesperson continued: “If we can raise enough money the kitchen appliances will then be used for the community kitchen but also to run cookery classes to get people engaged in affordable cooking options, and eventually to be able to open our community café which will bring the community together.

“This will then lead to community groups wanting to hire the building and kitchen. But this can only be done if we are able to get support and funding to do this so every penny counts.”

Donations can be made via the group’s JustGiving: www.gofundme.com/f/refurbishment-of-kitchen-for-community-use