The Holsworthy detachment of Devon Army Cadet Force (ACF) have celebrated achievements made in 2023 with a dinner and dance at Holsworthy Golf Club.

Among the presentations made were for ‘Best Recruit’ Jazmine Wilson, ‘Best Cadet’ Sam Linney  and for the second year running Staff Serjeant Lydia Girdler was voted ‘Best NCO’ by the cadets.

Five cadets received promotion to the rank of Lance Corporal and will now act as young leaders to their peers.

The cadets were joined by former senior cadets and other special guests including the mayor of Holsworthy Cllr Nigel Kenneally.

Also rewarded was Cadet Dylan Etherington who took on the ceremonial role of ‘Mr Vice’ leading the Royal and Regimental toasts.

Detachment commander Lt Jim Harvey said: “The cadets have all made fantastic achievements and the detachment has grown steadily since the end of the pandemic. 

“We start the year 40 cadets strong with four established volunteer instructors. 

“A big thank you to The Holsworthy Post and Holsworthy Community College for their support in our recruiting campaigns. 

“I would also like to thank Mike and the staff at Holsworthy Golf Club for supplying top notch food and to DJ Dave of “Disco in Kernow” for creating a great party atmosphere.”

If anyone is interested in getting involved as an adult volunteer, search and follow the “join as an adult” link.