25 years ago

May 20, 1999

Launceston hosted a world premiere on Saturday. It was the first performance of ‘Riverside’ a poem by Charles Causley one of Launceston’s famous sons, at the Central Methodist Church.

It has been deemed a miraculous escape — firefighters are completely baffled as to how a man got out of a car with just minor injuries. Launceston firefighters arrived at the scene on Monday on the A30 near the police station to find a mangled car engulfed in flames wedged underneath a lorry — and the driver walking around by the road — his only apparent injury at the time being a cut nose.

Launceston’s cliff lift project has taken a step nearer to coming into operation with the news that Cornwall County Council has agreed to adopt a footbridge link.

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40 years ago

May 19, 1984

Youngsters took part in the recent successful “Prudential Grass Roots” coaching sessions with the LTA Coach Chris Werran and the local Pru manager, Mr H D Harris who presented the awards.

North Cornwall MP Gerry Neale has launched a bitter attack on the Common Market Commission over the way it is dealing with changes affecting dairy farmers.

Mr Les Northey, officer-in-charge of the Launceston Station of the County Ambulance Service, has retired after 36 years with the service.

St Joseph’s School, Launceston, celebrated its speech day and prize-giving last Thursday, with prizes being presented by the mayor of Launceston, Mrs Cynthia Buckingham.

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50 years ago

May 18, 1974

Mr Leonard Lewis, of Launceston, has been sworn in as a Special Constable. He has rejoined the Specials after being away from the town for a while.

Miss Linda Mariner was elected Queen at the annual concert and Carnival Queen choosing in St Anne’s Hall, Whitstone. The show was compered by Mr Wesley Orchard.

The newly-elected chairman of Bude-Stratton Council, Mr John Gardiner, said a major problem facing the new authority was a lack of finance.

The Launceston Youth Club building at the Market was reopened on Saturday by the Mayor, Coun J D Rashley, who was presented with a button-hole by Alison Wybrow.

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60 years ago

May 23, 1964

“Kingswell”, a thatched roof cottage, consisting of one big living room with two smaller bedrooms, situated at Yeomans Farm, Kelly, Lifton, was damaged by fire on Friday afternoon. It is believed the outbreak occurred through a spark setting the thatch alight.

Three young men who left Bude on Sunday morning in an 18ft open fishing boat started a sea and air search involving two lifeboats and a helicopter, after they had been reported missing in the evening. They were Tim Lyle, of Whitstone; Robert Bailey, Chapmanswell, and Christopher McQuaide, of Launceston.

To commemorate their jubilee which they are celebrating this year, the Dunheved Bowling Club were the recipients of a new score board, which had been made and given by Mr Arthur Ellacott, a former president and present member of the club.

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70 years ago

May 22, 1954

Three Cornish Conservative MPs including Sir Harold Roper (North Cornwall) are seeking an interview with the Home Secretary, Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, to discuss police action in various parts of the Westcountry in banning certain types of whist drives and sweepstakes run by sporting and political organisations.

There were many interesting features at Linkinhorne Agricultural Show and Gymkhana, Saturday, not the least of which was the provision of three television sets in the refreshment tent enabling officials and patrons to watch the return of their Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in the City of London after their tour of the Commonwealth.

Saturday saw the opening of the Launceston Festival which has grown from a two-day event in 1935 to an event occupying eight full day. Festival chairman, Mr H Spencer Toy, indicated next year’s event may be even bigger.

Rector of Otterham from 1904 to 1912, Rev Phillip Latham Phelps, aged 79, died at his Clifton (Bristol) home last week. From 1934 to 1938 he was Rural Dean of Powder.

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80 years ago

May 20, 1944

Wounded in action: William Charles Brown, of Pengelly, Delabole, and Norman Pepperall, of Hartland Terrace, Bude.

Staff Sgt Joe Louis, the heavyweight boxing champion, was spotted with US Forces at Launceston this week. Playing table tennis at a service club, when our reporter looked in, he fell over some chairs and a piano and was down for a count of three!

Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, the Cornish author, died at Fowey on Thursday, at the age of 81.

LAC Sam Williams, of Laundry Cottage, Bude, has met up in Italy with two other local Servicemen: Cpl Littlejohns (Kilkhampton) and Ron Pearce (Stratton). The brothers Jim and George Staddon, also of Bude, met recently in Algiers.

For its post-war housing programme, Launceston Town Council plans to build 30 houses in the first year and are negotiating with Mr C H Mathew for the purchase of a field behind Hurdon as the site.

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90 years ago

May 26, 1934

There has been considerable controversy about the UDC’s new parking ground under Summerleaze at Bude, one of the objectors being Mrs E A Edgecombe, chairman of the urban district council, who claims £1,200 compensation for alleged detriment to her property. Another objector, Mrs N Banbury, claims £3,000 and the matter had gone for arbitration. The hearing was held on Thursday with barristers appearing on both sides and the result will be announced later.

The old custom of observing the Parish Feast at St Teath still survive. There were special services at the parish church over Whitsun weekend in honour of St Tetha, the patron saint, and on Monday there was merrymaking on the vicarage lawn.

Current prices: Balanced pigmeal £7 5s a ton, petrol 1s 3d a gallon.

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100 years ago

May 24, 1924

We hope that warning that the Launceston rural area has recently had for the need for a motor lorry for the fire engine will not be unheeded. The trouble was in the lack of motor fire engines.

After 45 years’ service, Mr T Furze, stationmaster at Bude since its opening 26 years ago, is retiring from. the Southern Railway. He commenced his career as a clerk at Holsworthy and returned there for several periods.

Launceston Town Council were told on Monday by the MOD, Dr A Budd, that 10 new houses had been built in the borough during the year and plans for 10 council houses approved. Over 60 houses had been condemned, and there was a case of 24 people living in one house with eight in a bedroom. At least 50 moore houses were wanted.