BUDEHAVEN Community School celebrated the achievements of 90 students as the school once again posted some outstanding Level 3 ‘A’ Level and BTEC examination results.

With a pass rate of 99%, across over 260 examination entries, headteacher David Barton said he is thrilled that 32% of this year’s results are A* and A grades. He added: “We have been very confident that this year’s results would be strong, but to see nearly a third of all exam results gaining the highest grades possible is fantastic.

“Right across the board our students have done really well — last year, just under a half of all results were grades A*, A or B; this year it is 57%.

“Last year just under three quarters of grades were grade C and above — this year it is 85%. All of these figures are higher than the provisional national figures published today.”

Teachers at the school are particularly pleased with the fact that students have gained their top grades in all subjects.

Mathematics has had a particularly strong year with 100% pass rate and over half of all candidates gaining A* and A grades. Max Trenaman gained A* in both Mathematics and Further Mathematics, and James Pollard was only just behind him with A* and A. Both also gained grade A in Physics, another subject in which over half of all grades were A* and A.

Matt White, director of post 16 at Budehaven was full of praise for all the students’ efforts. He said: “I am so pleased that the hard work has paid off. Both in A Levels and BTEC diplomas the results are really good with so many of the year group leaving us with results that they can be really proud of.”

Caitlin Griffiths-Bird, Ryan Grigg and Amy Kerr all gained A* and A in all their subjects; Caitlin achieved A*, A* and A in Biology, Maths and Physics and is now going on to study Biological Studies at Oxford University. Amy will join her at Oxford where she will read Law Studies in Europe having gained A*, A*, A* and A in Geography, History, Maths and Religious Education.

Ryan is heading to London where he will study Civil Engineering at Imperial College having gained A* in Maths and 3 grade As in Biology, Geography and Physics.

Out of 77 students, 27 who studied A levels gained at least one grade A or A* in their examination results, and many students are now moving on to attend top universities across the country.

Emily Whelan achieved A* in English Literature together with two grade As in English Language and History; she will now study History at Cardiff. James Pollard, who also gained a grade A in Chemistry to add to his Maths and Physics successes is to study Electrical Engineering at Bath, whilst Max has a place at Bristol University to study Computer Science. Miranda Pittaway gained three grade As in English Language, History and Sociology and is going to York University to study History.

The range of subjects and types of qualifications that students study at Budehaven continues to be broad. Budehaven’s diploma results have gained an enviable reputation across the county in recent years, and 2016 is no exception. 28 students completed a diploma course alongside their A levels, and all three diplomas achieved fantastic results.

Every student studying Health and Social Care gained a Distinction*, and the top grades were also achieved by a number of students in ICT and in Media. A further 13 students studied a Triple Diploma in Outdoor Sport and 3 students, Charlie Falla, Tremaine Fry and Callum Jones all gained 3 Distinction*.

Charlie intends to pursue a Sports Coaching degree at Marjons University in Plymouth, whilst Tremaine and Callum have secured employment in the outdoor sports industry.

Vice chair of governors, Paul Hart­ley, praised the work of the staff at the school in ensuring the continued success of post 16 students, he said: “I am delighted that so many students have achieved the grades they require to move onto the next phase of their education.

“I am a retired teacher myself and have always looked forward to the anticipation and excitement of results’ day.

“The governors are all so proud of our students’ hard work and their results, and I’d also like to pay tribute to the unstinting support of parents, families and friends — your children cannot succeed without your support.

“We wish all the students every success and happiness in the future whether that be in employment, apprenticeship or at university.”