Cornwall Council has refused planning permission for a 70 bed budget hotel in Bude.

The application, for ERC Developments Limited, sought full planning permission and Conservation Area consent for the demolition of existing buildings and the development of the hotel, including bar and cafe, with associated car park and access works.

The site, on Lansdown Road in Bude is that of the former bus and coach depot.

The proposed hotel would be developed as a Travelodge hotel.

Earlier this month, Bude-Stratton Town Council had also raised objection to the planning proposal as part of the consultation process.

The application went before Cornwall Council’s Plans Committee on January 24.

Many of the reasons given were coherent to that of the town council, most notably about the design of the build. The refusal stated: “The proposed development, by reason of its prominent corner plot position, scale, roof design, and the height, massing, and appearance of the Lansdown Road elevation, results in a contrived, discordant and overbearing form of development out of character with the intrinsic scale, rhythm and more pedestrian scale of properties along Lansdown Road.

“The design fails to promote local distinctiveness and fails to conserve or enhance the special character of the Bude Conservation Area. As such, it is contrary to policies 15 and 23 of the Bude-Stratton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2016 — 2030 February 2016, policies 2, 12 and 24 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 (adopted 22nd November 2016) and paragraphs, 127, 192 and 200 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.”

At the Bude-Stratton Town Council planning meeting on January 9, they had talked about how the increased traffic flow to the area could be an issue; Cornwall Council were also aware of the potential problem: “In the absence of a mechanism to secure the provision of an off-site financial contribution towards the Bude Transport Strategy to mitigate highway impacts, the proposal is considered to be contrary to guidance contained within policies 27 and 28 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 — 2030 (November 2016) and paragraph, 54 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.”

The developers are able to appeal this decision by writing to the Secretary of State under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.