PLANS for a 70-bed dementia care home and 53 dwellings in Launceston have been submitted to Cornwall Council.
Kensey Valley Ltd have applied to the local authority for planning permission to undertake the works at Kensey Valley, where they seek to build a ‘high quality development’ comprising the properties in addition to the care home.
The proposals come approximately two years after a similar scheme on the land was refused planning permission.
That particular proposal, by Mr Steve Ruber, sought outline planning permission with all matters reserved for up to 62 class three (C3) residential dwellings and an extra care scheme of up to 75 units (C3) and associated works, which was itself a resubmission of a proposal in 2020.
At the time of the previous proposal, refusal for the application was given for a multitude of reasons, amid concern from the planning authority over the plans for the site.
Cornwall Council told the applicants that there were three reasons for refusal.
The first, was that the application represented a ‘cramped overdevelopment of the site’, adding that it ‘did not include sufficient land and detail including a comprehensive masterplan and concept plan to safeguard the delivery of the required estate road, pedestrian and cycle links between Kensey Valley Meadow and Newport Industrial Estate to create a safe and suitable access and to deliver open space requirements’, as well as concerns over slope stability and ground water levels.
Secondly, the previous proposal, according to the council, ‘failed to provide affordable open, public open space contributions, off-site financial contributions to deliver improvements to mitigate pressures on education, managed and maintained biodiversity net gains or transport and air quality contributions.’
In addition, ‘insufficient information had been provided in relation to the level of activity and presence of dormice across the site to establish whether a favourable conservation status can be maintained’.
In the design and access documents submitted on behalf of Kensey Valley Ltd, the applicant says that the new plans address the concerns raised in the previous refused application.
The applicant told Cornwall Council: “This application follows a previous refused scheme (planning ref: PA21/08883) for ‘Outline planning application with all matters reserved for up to 62 residential dwellings (C3) and an extra care scheme of up to 75 units (C3) and associated works (resubmission of PA20/10722)’.
“This scheme has overcome all reasons for refusal and puts forward a policy compliant scheme. The erection of 53 new homes of a range of tenures and sizes including affordable housing will meet the needs of local residents and has been designed to sit comfortably within the surroundings and the 70-bed care facility will meet the needs of the ageing population and will supplement the needs of the growing ageing population within Cornwall.
“The residential development is supported in principle, with the Council allocating the site for up to 75 new homes and Policy 2a of the Local Plan highlights that the provision of 2,550 bed spaces is required within the plan period for older persons, including specialist accommodation which this will provide a significant contribution towards.”
The plans would comprise of six one-bedroom flats, of which two are ‘over garages’, eight two-bedroom flats, 14 two-bedroom houses, 22 three-bedroom houses and three four-bedroom houses, with up to 30% affordable house provision, subject to a viability assessment.
Joining the planned properties would be a 70-bed dementia care facility, described by the developers as “a new Dementia Care Facility is proposed which will be located to the centre of the site, set in between two areas of proposed residential land. This new care facility will provide a high quality and fit-for-purpose community facility to Launceston.”
A number of nearby residents have objected to the scheme, mostly surrounding impact to the countryside, infrastructure and parking. The plans can be viewed on the Cornwall Council planning website under reference PA23/10325.