RESIDENTS of Bude-Stratton have responded to a call for participation in completing a plan that will have a long-lasting influence on the place in which they live, work and play. More than 50 people participated in the Bude-Stratton Neighbourhood Plan Forum last Tuesday, receiving the results of the community-wide survey and contributing to the next stage of the plan development. Mark Goodman, senior partner of Common Places, the social enterprise appointed to write the plan, stated that by completing a Bude-Stratton Neighbourhood Plan, people can influence the land-use planning of the area in which they live and work. When the Neighbourhood Plan has been independently examined, and has been subject to a community referendum, it will be a legal document in line with Cornwall Council's Local Plan. For the full report, and a round-up of the area news and sport, see this week's edition of the Post.

THE Bude-Stratton Town Council Neighbourhood Plan steering committee, with staff of Common Places, who will be writing the plan. Picture: Paul Hamlyn
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