ON Wednesday, August 14, Camelford Agricultural show held their Handicraft and Horticultural section at Otterham and St Juliot Hall.

The hall and show benches were packed full of wonderful exhibits made by Adults and Children, over 100 exhibitors entered and showed off their talents from art, and photography to handcraft, cooking and growing wonderful garden flowers and vegetables.

The chosen set of judges had a tough morning of judging to choose ‘the best of the best’ in order to select their prize winners.

Elaine Reynolds, the section secretary, chose a theme of celebrating 200 years of RNLI through the show where children produce lighthouse, sea creatures and lifeboat pictures, which was mirrored in the adult section as well with beautiful oil and watercolour paintings of lifeboats and floral displays with the RNLI theme.

She said: “Although we are an agriculturally based show, our coastline is all around us and it is important to celebrate the work of the RNLI.

“We had 44 children exhibiting this year and their clever ideas and work was wonderful to see, this always amazes me how wonderful the children's section is, always so colourful and creative each year.

“The cookery had large entries in each class, with wonderful cakes, pastries and new sections this year for honey and eggs.

“After such an unsettled year of weather It was fantastic to see the show benches full of garden flowers and good quality vegetables!“

The Camelford and District Agricultural Show, Chairwoman Jackie Burnard, said she was delighted with the support that has been shown and expressed her hopes, that next year the full show with livestock, horses, trade stands and entertainment will return.

She added: “After lots of fundraising events and support we are heading in the right direction financially, to hold the show again in 2025.”

Samuel Cole of Camelford takes first prize and special award with his Bird Box
Samuel Cole of Camelford takes first prize and special award with his Bird Box (Picture: Adrian Jasper) (Adrian Jasper)
Camelford Show Vice Presidents David and Pam Langley (Picture: Adrian Jasper)
Camelford Show Vice Presidents David and Pam Langley (Picture: Adrian Jasper) (Adrian Jasper)
Lilly and Hollie Dodd with a Caterpillar made from an egg box and a painted stone (Picture: Adrian Jasper)
Lilly and Hollie Dodd with a Caterpillar made from an egg box and a painted stone (Picture: Adrian Jasper) (Adrian Jasper)
Big smiles from Ozzie Walkey of Camelford as he takes first prize with a picture of his favourite cartoon character (Picture: Adrian Jasper)
Big smiles from Ozzie Walkey of Camelford as he takes first prize with a picture of his favourite cartoon character (Picture: Adrian Jasper) (Adrian Jasper)
Graham Tape of Bude takes 3rd and 4th prize with his small deck and ball Dahlias (Picture: Adrian Jasper)
Graham Tape of Bude takes 3rd and 4th prize with his small deck and ball Dahlias (Picture: Adrian Jasper) (Adrian Jasper)
Dexter Reynolds delighted to receive a special award and best over all art item with his Sea Creature (Picture: Adrian Jasper)
Dexter Reynolds delighted to receive a special award and best over all art item with his Sea Creature (Picture: Adrian Jasper) (Adrian Jasper)
Roz Ross with first prize and special award in the Floral Art Class celebrating 200 years RNLI themed display (Picture: Adrian Jasper)
Roz Ross with first prize and special award in the Floral Art Class celebrating 200 years RNLI themed display (Picture: Adrian Jasper) (Adrian Jasper)
Odette Rigby-Jones  takes special award with her Patch work article (Picture: Adrian Jasper)
Odette Rigby-Jones takes special award with her Patch work article (Picture: Adrian Jasper) (Adrian Jasper)
James Parsons proudly shows off his prize winning Lego model (Picture: Adrian Jasper)
James Parsons proudly shows off his prize winning Lego model (Picture: Adrian Jasper) (Adrian Jasper)