THE CROWDS turned out for the Okehampton Show on Thursday last week as the weather brightened after weeks of rain.

As ever, showing classes were popular, with the highlight of the day being the grand parade of livestock in the ring during the afternoon, with show president Andy Ewen presentig the prizes.

The president’s choice — an apt one for a man who comes from a family of pig farmers — went to a Pietrain champion gilt bred by Alice Newth of Gerrydown Farm in Winkleigh. Alice also won Champion Pietrain and Reserve Champion Pietrain, Best Gilt in Show, Best Young Boar in Show, and Interbreed Champion with her prood.

Alice confessed to be somewhat surprised to win ‘president’s choice’: “I don’t even know that was a class! The president was there and because he was an ex-pig farmer he gave it to the pig! I didn’t know where it came from. But it’s been a lot of hard work but very good fun at the same time. I do like this show, so it’s been a really great day.”

Also having a good day were the Powell family of Okehampton, who created a fantastic castle out of recycled materials using coke cans for turrets.

The castle, which won the top spot in the craft section took Tom, Nikki, Oliver and Arlo six long Sunday afternoons to perfect.

Tom said: “None of us have a background in artwork, but we just got together as a family and had a go. There were some amazing castles around, so we were surprised to do some well. We didn’t know whether we would win, we obviously hoped to win but you never know. It all depends on what they’re looking for.”