Bude and Stratton
Bude and Stratton Cancer Research
Long Service Award Certificates were presented to members of the Bude and Stratton Cancer Research UK Committee at the recent evening of ‘Carols and Mince Pies’ which was held at The Falcon Hotel in Bude.
Between each member who received an award, the number of years volunteered for and was recognised for amounts to a staggering 228 years! The awards were presented by Kim Hammerton, Relationship Manager for Cancer Research UK.

Bude Choral Society
A packed Bude Methodist Church was treated to a thrilling pre-Christmas concert of Baroque favourites on November 30.
Bude Choral Society were joined by a superb quartet of soloists and the 12-piece Divertimento Ensemble in a programme of Bach, Vivaldi and Handel. As well as relishing such well-known works as Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria ’and Bach’s Cantata 147 (‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’), the audience enjoyed performances of Handel’s Coronation Anthem for George ll ‘Let Thy Hand be Strengthened’ and Bach’s Epiphany Cantata 65.
The choir were on top form, producing subtle dynamic changes (particularly effective in Et in Terra in the ‘Gloria’) and strong ensemble in the Chorales. It was a masterstroke to include the soloists in the final ‘Alleluia!’
The four soloists gave particularly strong performances. Katie Wright’s beautiful lilting soprano voice, Charlotte Badham’s youthful contralto timbre, Matthew Jeffrey’s commanding heldentenor and Julian Rippon’s senatorial baritone captivated the audience.
The ‘icing on the cake’ was the accompaniment by the Divertimento Orchestra. Particular praise must go to piccolo trumpeter David Sheard for his outstanding playing; to ‘cellist Vicky Evans for her sensitive continuo playing; to Lynn Carter, playing oboe and cor anglais with such lilting elegance; and leader Mary Eade. The addition of recorders and horns to Cantata 65 created a wonderfully varied soundscape.
John Hobbs conducted with his usual clarity and sensitivity, and rehearsal-pianist Stephen Tyrrell supported the orchestra on the keyboard.
The Choir: Sarah Battams, Rosie Beat, Sally Blayney, Chris Bradbury, Jane Bradbury, John Brooks, Sue Brooks, Fiona Bull, Greg Choules, David Cleverly, Annette Cole, Robert Cole, Sarah Conibear, Martin Daniels, Mary Dobson, Fiona Field, Cathy French, Wendy Frost, Lynnette Hare, Elizabeth Heaven, Peter Hillenbrand, Jennie Hillman, John Hills, David Hyndman, Jill Johns, Jennifer Jones, Sue Kershaw, Crispin King, Lesley Larkum, Jim Long, Pam Mattos, Pamela Melville, Clare Monro, Eibhlis Patrick, Patricia Philp, David Puddick, Rosie Richardson, Lynne Sullivan, Richard Sullivan, Sue Tierney, Mary Tilzey, Lindsey Twiston-Davies, Sarla Vale, Carole Ventura, Carole Wakefield, Cherry Warne, Mike Warne, Ros Watson, Chris Willoughby, Rob Willoughby. Liz Wilson, Sharron Wormald.
The Choral Society are combining with pupils from Marhamchurch Primary School for a carol concert in Bude Methodist Church on Friday, December 20 at 6pm.
Bude-Stratton and District Old Cornwall Society
On Monday, November 25, Bude-Stratton and District Old Cornwall Society held a social evening at the Parkhouse Centre.
Jen Balsdon read three hilarious poems, “How to give a cat a pill,”, ”My Sat Nav” by Pam Ayers and ‘Cornish women do it “Dreckly”’.
The chairman Alan MacIntosh then welcomed Bert Biscoe and Pol Hodge known as Dew Vargh – “The Two Poets.” They gave three ten minute slots of Cornish songs , and monologues in Cornish, with translations in English in their usual talented, jovial and inimitable style..
There were four quizzes, images of local landmarks to be identified, missing links in a list of proverbs, general knowledge, and names of authors. Each team had to write down their answers on the sheets provided. This kept the old grey matter ticking over at getting the answers.
Carole and Richard Wakefield quoted some humorous limericks from the local area, some names were very familiar, and were extremely funny.
There was a tie for the answers to the quizzes, the joint winners being Jenny and Den Balsdon and Malcolm Warren and the president’s team - Owen May, Michael Heard and Len Tozer. They all received a Chocolate Orange for their endeavours.
Den Balsdon proceeded with the Raffle, after which there was a ‘Bring and Share Supper’ of delicious assortments of savoury and sweet delights to savour. Rose MacIntosh served the teas and coffees.
An arousing “Trelawney“ was sung with great gusto to round off a lovely entertaining evening. Alan thanked ”The Two Poets” for coming up to Bude from Truro
All thanks to Alan and Audrey in organising the evening..
The next meeting is on Monday, January 27 at 2.30pm at the Parkhouse Centre. - A Talk by Andrew Langdon on “The Medieval Wade Bridge.”
North Hill
North Hill Parish Council
North Hill Parish Council held their monthly meeting on December 2, 2024 at North Hill Village Hall.
Several planning applications were discussed including PA24/08417 and PA24/08416 both in connection with Trebartha Barton, North Hill. Construction of a new agricultural livestock building, creation of a new agricultural access and removal of an outdated livestock building. The council raised no objections to the application and felt that overall it would be a positive development. PA24/08792 was also discussed, Potok House, North Hill, PL15 7PQ – Proposed roof alterations / extension, removal of existing chimney, replacement doors and windows, air source heat pump and UV solar panels. Again no objections were raised and the council supported the application.
Other planning matters forwarded by Cornwall Council and noted for information included PA24/07455 - East Lawn Cottage Newtown Road Congdons Shop, Launceston Cornwall, PL15 7LS - Proposal Two-storey extension on the site of an existing dwelling - approved. PA24/04200 - Lynhays Mill Lane Bathpool Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NW - Proposal Extension and re-modelling to include disabled adaptations and provision for roof mounted solar panels – approved. PA24/07802 - Location:- St Torneys Church Lynher Way North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PQ - Proposal Submission of details to Discharge Conditions 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA24/06142 dated 09/10/2024. PA24/07310 - The Bull Pen Tolcarne Road North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PE - Proposal Submission of details to discharge Condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA21/06576 dated 27.01.22 - withdrawn. PA24/05961 - Land At Coad's Green Coad's Green Launceston - Proposal New farm shop and car park - withdrawn.
The council also discussed two grant applications received from Coads Green Village Hall and Coads Green Methodist Church. Grants were awarded accordingly. It was resolved that a new noticeboard be purchased for Trebartha and not to purchase a further salt bin for Bathpool as there were already two in situ.
Voice over telecommunication resilience was considered following information being received from Cornwall Council. The aim was currently to distribute information to support communities to make their own resilience plans. One councillor felt that a committee would potentially be needed to look at this in more detail, to assess the level of threat to the community and whether action was required to safeguard in the event of a lengthy period of time with no internet / communications in place. This will be discussed further in the future once more information has been obtained. Finally it was agreed to purchase a new gate for the back car park behind the village hall in North Hill.
The next Full Council Meeting is due to take place on January 6, 2025 at North Hill Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and share their views.
Lewtrenchard WI
We met on November 11 at Lewdown Victory Hall. Barbara welcomed many members, their husbands, visitors from Lifton WI and of course Rupert Kirkwood - the Lone Kayaker. Jerusalem was sung. We were very sad to hear of the passing of Graham Bevan and our thoughts go to Josie and the family.
Then we handed over to Rupert - The Lone Kayaker: Rupert’s talk was named ‘Wildlife Safari around Cornwall and Devon’ and boy, did it deliver. Rupert was no stranger to many of our members and visitors, most of them knew him as their vet. Over 33 years, he took early retirement due to an injury and decided to pursue his hobby: Wildlife.
It all started as a child, watching a snail. He explores rivers, estuaries, the coast, caves and canals all over the South West of England. Based in Holsworthy, he has easy access to many of them. Since he set off in his kayak just over 10 years ago, he clocked up 1,156.27 miles!
Rupert has seen water and land creatures he never dreamt of seeing in our waters. From Ospreys, beavers, otters, swimming squirrels and badgers, seals, giant seven-feet blue tunas, sun fish, puffins, leatherback turtles, humpback and minke whales, basking shark and of course dolphins, he has encountered them all, close up, captured on film and most only three to five miles off our Devon and Cornwall shores.
Nothing phases him; surprisingly, he has not been sunk by any of those discoveries. He uses a very simple camera, packed in a plastic bag and just points. We all enjoyed his relaxed presentation, the stunning photography, fantastic videos; we were literally riding on his kayak! When asked if he ever felt afraid, it was a definite no! Not only did Rupert discover a humpback whale in our waters, but he got to name it too because he was the first to spot it, of course, having been spotted off the Cornish coast, he named it ‘Cream Tea’.
Lundy Island is a great place to spot Puffins, their population increased due to the eradication of rats on the island. Mousehole is an excellent place to spot dolphins.
Want to know more, read Rupert’s blog: thelonekayaker.wordpress.com.
Date and venue for next meeting: Monday December 9 at 7pm, Lewdown Victory Hall, Christmas Party!

Altarnun Parish Council
The most important news to emerge from the December Altarnun Parish Council meeting was that a meeting between Ben Maguire MP and Altarnun councillors accompanied by Cornwall Councillor Adrian Parsons had taken place in November at which Mr Maguire committed his support to the community and the Safer Plusha Action Group (SPAG) to forcefully push for a graded separated junction at Plusha to become a reality. With the MP underpinning the collective efforts that are the preoccupancy of all the local parishes and the action group, it seems that, maybe, there is some hope that the government departments who hold the power and purse strings will be persuaded to sanction a substantive scheme at Plusha to bring an end to the very sad fatalities we have witnessed this year.
Councillors approved and resolved to select Cllr Dan Wendon to be the parish council’s representative at the SPAG table. His well informed and no nonsense approach will be greatly welcomed.
It has been five years since the Parish Council increased its Precept demand to the local authority.
During that time the parish has brought to fruition previously agreed initiatives for the benefit of all, and also created more functions and is proposing to devolve more from Cornwall Council. Costs, as we are all aware, have risen dramatically in the meantime, which resulted in councillors approving an increased Precept demand for the 2025/26 financial year in the sum of £19,500. Early indications are that this will add £9.73 to a Band D annual Council Tax bill. Therefore the decision was not taken lightly, but to maintain the effectiveness and value the Parish gets from it’s council, there was little choice because its general fund reserve will be almost exhausted by the end of March if all of the expected business as usual expenditure is met. Whilst far from being ideal the council is aware that potential financial risks are mitigated in the short term by the other earmarked reserves it holds. However these are not finite and have also reduced in the past year. It is also worthy of note that the council will also have to rely on income from other sources to balance its budget, as it has done in prior years.
In planning matters councillors supported the proposed re-positioning of stables without compliance with Condition 2 of decision notice PA23/06810 dated 12/10/2023. at Old Hay House Altarnun. The applicants now want to move the block one width away from a boundary hedge.
The other applications dealt with on the evening were for the removal of an agricultural occupancy condition on Trezibbett Lodge Bolventor and secondly, a new driveway to the residential property known as Oak Barn at South Carne. After discussion and reference to the comprehensive suite of documents that accompanied the applications, Altarnun councillors were minded to support both proposals.
It was also reported that Cornwall Councillors agreed proposals under PA24/04052 which was decided at the planning committee meeting in November. The application was tabled by Mr & Mrs J Smith for a temporary agricultural workers caravan on land near Carne Manor. The permission granted is for a term of three years only.
All other goings on, which in the main were purely ‘housekeeping matters’ and will be published in the full minutes as usual.
The January parish council meeting is being nudged on a bit due to the first Wednesday of the New Year being New Years Day and will be held on Wednesday, January 8 2025 at 7.30pm in Altarnun Village Hall. All are very welcome and may we wish you a peaceful, happy and successful 2025.
St Giles
St Giles Womens Guild
Trish Shanks opened the November meeting by welcoming all the visitors and members. She then introduced Tony Rea, a Sewing Bee finalist in 2023. He started his talk by telling us a bit about himself. He started work at 16 and worked his way up to being a design engineer for quite a few large companies. It was a very busy life style for him, so at the age of 50 he decided to have a gap year. He and his wife went on a year long trip around Asia and had a wonderful time. When he returned he decided to find an easier and quieter job. So became a postman in Bude. Whilst away travelling he started to crochet during the long flights and found he enjoyed it so continued. He also he took up knitting. Then found a old sewing machine and thought he would try some sewing for himself. His mates at work then started to ask him to do sewing repairs etc. then they mentioned the Sewing Bee! To keep them quiet he applied, thinking he would get nowhere but to his surprise after many phone calls and auditions the TV company said they would like to have him on the show.
The show is recorded in Leeds over a period of eight weeks, which the contestant must sign up to do. Tony took holiday time off from work and went ahead with the show. The show has three parts to it, the pattern challenge, the transformation challenge and the made to measure challenge. Tony brought along several of the clothes that he made on the show including the child's party dress that he won garment of the week. The party dress was made from Neoprene material which is usually used for wet suits. It was white with a big bow on the front and the skirt stood out like a frill. He loved making the pattern challenge as he had already been making shirts for himself from a pattern he had made up. His transformation challenge from windbreak to rain wear he said was great fun and he brought that along too. The most difficult challenges were the made to measure as he had only made garments for himself before and mainly shirts!! In the finals week he had to make a two-in-one dress. Tony's dress started of as a black puffball dress and turned into a fishtail dress in wonderful psychedelic material. He came 2nd in the final. Tony also talked about meeting all the other contestants and the fun they had helping each other out on the show and after the filming. He opened the meeting out for questions and they were many. It was a fabulous evening and we ended it with a Christmas buffet for all to enjoy.
The flower competition was first Sue Williams and second Sue Hicks. Trish then mentioned on Sunday, December 15 4-6pm there will be Carol Singing in the Coronation Hall and everyone was welcome. Tea, coffee and mince pies will be provided. Trish then thanked Tony again for his wonderful, interesting and fun talk. She also reminded everyone that the money raised that night, which was £288.00, was going to the hall funds for new and better heating and décor. She then wished everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. The next meeting is on Tuesday January 21 with Colin Sargent, a wonderful wildlife photographer. The meeting closed at 9.30pm.