THE generosity of a young local resident has been praised after she made a huge donation to Launceston’s foodbank.

Jessica, who attends Lifton Primary School, decided she wanted to help her local foodbank after hearing on the radio that parents are having to use banks like this to feed their children during the summer holidays.

In an effort to raise money for her local foodbank, Jessica made loom band bracelets, key rings and bookmarks to sell at school.

Not satisfied with this she then challenged herself to do 10,000 steps in exchange for sponsors.

In total, Jessica raised £200 and visited the foodbank to donate food that will be used in their summer holiday bags and cash to buy items they are short of.

Speaking to the Post, Yvonne King explained how much Jessica’s generosity would help their efforts.

She said: “Jessica raised £200 and purchased enough food for eight bags, and gave us the remaining cash.

“We are extremely impressed with her wanting to help other children and for her hard work raising funds.

“So far this summer we have fed over 100 children.

“We are extremely grateful to Jessica for thinking of other children and her wonderful act of kindness.”

The foodbank helps those struggling to feed themselves and their families. To help, some items needed at this time are: pasta sauce, tinned tomatoes, tinned fruit, jam, coffee, and toiletries.