THE final show of the season is fast approaching with Holsworthy & Stratton Agricultural Show preparing for its 126th outing on Thursday, August 22.
The Holsworthy and Stratton Agricultural Exhibition was first held at Bude in 1883 in a field lent by Mr George Brendon. A name well known in the town today ie; The Brendon Arms. The sum of 350 pounds was raised by subscriptions in order to stage this first venture which proved to be a great success, when it was estimated that between 7000 and 8000 people passed through the turnstiles. A newspaper report of the time stated “The success of the undertaking was great beyond the most sanguine anticipations of the promoters”. “The members of the Royal Marine Band from Plymouth were engaged to perform music in the show yard, and a capital grandstand was erected to enable visitors the more conveniently to witness the trials of the horses and the jumping.”
There have been many changes over the past 125 years since the first venture, the only interruptions being two world wars plus an outbreak of foot and mouth.
Until a permanent ground was purchased following World War II, venues alternated between the unions of Holsworthy and Stratton. The latest move to a much larger site at Killatree has proved to be a great success, as has the change of date from May to August.
Over the years, classes have changed with the times. Before the advent of farm machinery in 1885 it was reported that horses were the strong feature of the show, the total entries being 165. Holsworthy it stated & "is a noted horse breeding district"..the judges declared the horse entries to be the best seen outside a county show”. In 1886 65 Devon Ruby Cattle were entered, also of note there were 70 exhibits in the butter and cream classes. In those far off days, indeed until the revival of the show after the Second World War, the handful of trade stands were a very local affair. These days one can expect to have the opportunity of visiting up to 250 trade stands from all over the country.
The show now hosts a great variety of attractions. To name but a few the Large Livestock section, Horses, Showjumping, Flower and Craft tents, Food and Drink Marquee, WI and vintage displays, sheep shearing, refreshments galore, attractions for the children and a Bar tent for the thirsty.
Entertainment is provided throughout the day in the main ring and the entertainment ring as well as many other activities going on throughout the site.
All in all a great day out for all the family.
We hear from members of the show committee:
Secretary - Fiona Cleave
Another year has gone by and we are looking forward to welcoming you all to the Holsworthy & Stratton Agricultural Show once again.

We have a busy and fun-packed show planned, with something for everyone. New to the show this year is our Poultry tent, we are delighted that we are able to host Poultry once again and hope you will enjoy looking at the chicken and bantams on show.
Also visiting us for the first time this year are the Giant Tortoises, these can be found near the main ring, they are amazing to watch, the biggest weighing approx. 20 stone! In the main ring we are looking forward to watching Jez Avery with his Stunt Bike Show. Something different this year is a Punch and Judy stand with shows to watch throughout the day – good fun for everyone. We look forward to welcoming our Gun Dogs, Ferrets, Parelli Horses and Falconry display teams once again, the shows they put on are always good to watch. The Sheep Show is back again this year – a must to see. We are honoured this year to have AJ Heywood, winner of the Farmers Weekly Contractor of the Year award 2023 joining us, they will be leading the Vintage Tractor parade later in the afternoon. We are always pleased to welcome the Woolley Animals who bring their Alpacas – this year you may even get to walk them!
We are, as always, delighted that our stock classes are well supported. Getting the Cattle, Sheep, Horses and Pygmy Goats ready to show takes so much work and we are delighted to welcome them all. Do take time to go and watch the judging and don’t forget the Horse & Pony Parade at 1pm and and Grand Parade at 3.30pm to see them at their best. We are lucky also to be supported so well by traders, both local and further afield. Take a good look around the showground, there are lots of stalls to visit, not forgetting our Food, Drink, Craft and Small Business marquee, so much to enjoy. Please take time also to visit our Flower Marquee, it’s well worth a visit. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our President, Chairperson, Vice-Chair and all the committee, they all work hard to ensure the show runs smoothly, it could not be done without them and our extra stewards who help us on the day.
So, come along, parking is free or catch the free buses, bring your dog and enter our Family Fun Dog Show and enjoy the day. Whatever the weather there will be lots to see. I look forward to welcoming you.
President - Mike Dart
I am absolutely delighted and enthralled to be Holsworthy & Stratton Agricultural Show’s president for this year.

I follow a long line of distinguished local personalities who have been bestowed with this honour including my father back in 1978.
My own involvement with the show started in the late 1970`s, helping to set up the show, particularly the dairy marquee. This led to me being proposed to come on to the committee by David Hobbs in the early 1980`s, becoming a junior steward in the Dairy ring under the watchful eye of Edwin Stanbury.
Chairmanship followed along with being appointed onto the now defunct Field Committee which oversaw more complex issues than the general committee.
A big change for the show came when our longstanding secretary, Annett Denniss, decided the time was right for her to pass the baton on. This was preceded by the untimely death of Murray Kivell who for years set out the show rings but kept all the precise dimensions to himself!
Then a move to our present showground, a new secretary, Allison Heywood, Edwin Stanbury stepping back from his unofficial title of Show Yard Director and another extremely untimely death of David Nancekivell who was taking over Edwins’s responsibilities led to myself being thrust to the forefront of the show, becoming Show Yard Director for several years until I decided that I had said enough at every meeting and it was someone else’s turn.
In those years before I came off the committee, the week setting up the show and then taking it all down and stacking away created a huge sense of camaraderie within the participants, all striving to create a great experience for exhibiters and general public which I am sure still happens today.
I therefore welcome you all to the 126th Holsworthy and Stratton Agricultural Show and hope the weather will be kind.
Chairperson — Sarah Bearns
Once again, as the first female chair, I have the honour of inviting you all to our 126th show on Thursday, August 22, at Killatree Cross.

It is my pleasure to introduce our president Mr Michael Dart from Tetcott who is a past show ground director. I hope he and his wife Sylvia enjoy a wonderful day.
It’s a challenge each year to plan our show but I have a very supportive vice chair, Mr Ian Rowlinson and a committee who have never, as yet, said no to me!
The upkeep of our show ground is primarily down to our show ground directors Mr John Medland and Mr Martyn Mill. Until I took office I never realised how much they do behind the scenes. I thank them both for their continued support along with our Treasurer Mrs Angela Blackman.
I am grateful to Sarah Bowden for her IT skills and thank her for all the social media posts to date.
To our sponsors, traders and exhibitors a massive thank you, there would be no show without you.
The generosity of local businesses through sponsorship of marquees, rings, attractions and prize money is appreciated.
I am particularly looking forward to visiting the giant tortoise ring – the largest of these reptiles weighs in at 200 kilos!
The entertainment ring will include ferret racing, gun dogs, falconry, Parelli Horses and you may even be able to lead an alpaca. We are bringing back the traditional children’s sports races.
You can also look forward to the Jez Avery stunt bike show which will be performed in both rings and don’t forget the family dog show.
Thank you to our talented committee member Mrs Liz Hodgson who, with her team, will be dazzling us with another amazing Flower Show Marquee entitled ‘Floral Fiesta’.
Graham Braund will be demonstrating his sheep shearing skills alongside the Travelling Dancing Sheep Show which is back by popular demand.
The poultry tent is returning where I hope you will be able to see a variety of chicken and bantams.
I know you will enjoy viewing our trade stands and the variety of stalls in the Food, Drink and Craft Marquee.
Local caterers will serve an abundance of food around the showground and Hannah from Baker George will again be serving breakfast and lunch in the members marquee.
It’s a big thank you to Mr Bob Priest at the Ice Man Bar, named in memory of Todd Riggs. We hope it is a hot day and Bob and his team will need plenty of ice to keep everyone refreshed while listening to the acts on our music stage.
Our popular family tractor trail will take you on a walk around the showground passing the new picnic area where, earlier in the year, Mr Robert Cole of Holsworthy Rotary Club organised the planting of trees.
Thank you to the Young Farmers’ Clubs and Women Institutes for their competition tents and I look forward to the YFC go-kart race in the Main Ring.
As a farmer’s daughter and wife, I know how much hard work and patience goes into preparing all the animals for judging. It does not happen overnight. I thank the judges, I do not envy their job!
The entries are up again this year, this is so rewarding for our committee and stewards.
We will all enjoy watching the best of the best in the main parade. Thank you Katy Bowden for polishing our trophies, I know that the cups will be shining if the sun isn’t!
Our vintage tractor display will be led into the main ring by the Farmers Weekly Contractor of the Year. Congratulations and thank you to Kevin Heywood and his team at A J Heywood and Sons of Marhamchurch.
To Mrs Fiona Cleave, it’s our second year together planning a show and I could not have asked for a more efficient and enthusiastic secretary. It has been an absolute delight working with you.
I thank both our families at home for their support during the year.
As I said last year, rain or shine I can certainly promise you a fabulous family day of entertainment.
Show director — Martyn Mill
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Killatree Cross, Pyworthy, for the Holsworthy & Stratton Agricultural Show.

This year, as usual, there is a lot going on around the showfield including really good entries in the cattle, sheep, horse and goat classes.
Liz Hodgson and her helpers are putting on a fantastic display in the Flower Tent. Definitely not to be missed.
Following it's popularity last year, we are very pleased to announce, The Sheep Show is back for a second year!
Now in her second year as chairperson, Sarah has come up with the idea of bringing giant tortoises to the show. They can be found by the main ring.
Our secretary, Fiona, is in her second year and doing a great job. Thanks Fiona.
This year's president is Mike Dart who has a long history with the show having been chairman and showground director. His father, Tom, was president in 1978. It was Tom who asked me to come on the committee in the 1980s.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the committee for the great honour they gave me last year in making me a ‘Life Member’.
The show would like to thank our very generous sponsors and trade stands, without who we would not have a show. I would also like to thank our committee and helpers for all their hard work and commitment.
Come along and enjoy a great day at the show!
Flower tent - Liz Hodgson
We look forward to welcoming visitors to the Floral Art Marquee again this year, and with a scheduled title of ‘Floral Fiesta’ it’s looking to be a colourful event.

Entrance to the marquee is free, and there will be a ‘make your own buttonhole’ workshop at around 11am, so pop along and make a free one to wear — this is open to everyone including children and men.
This year’s titles range from ’Lazy days of summer’, ‘Clockwork orange’, ‘Glad rags’, ‘Wednesday market’, ‘Simplicity of nature’, ‘Revolutionary’, ‘Bowled over’, ‘What’s next’, ‘Box clever’, ‘Colour last’ and ‘Good enough to eat’.
There will be two classes for novices, and one called ‘Flower Power’ for children eight to 13 years old. There’s something for everyone, and we are still taking entries, if anyone wants a schedule or entry form look on the show website or ring Liz Hodgson on 07980 513429.
There is also an amateur gardening and flowers for fun section for people who have garden flowers to show, and a children’s section with classes entitled ‘Flowers in a Wellington Boot’, ‘Miniature garden‘, ‘Green eyed monster’ (animal made from vegetables) and a ‘Miniature bug hotel’.
Plenty of things for everyone to see. We are lucky to have a lovely airy and light marquee and some photographs of last year’s exbibits have been used in a National Flower Arranging magazine and lots of social medial sites. If you’re a beginner or experienced flower arranger please give us a call and enter, it’s great fun.