By Joan Coney

TEN lady players from the Chantry Tennis Club near Birmingham were visiting Bude and asked if they could challenge our lady members in a tennis match held on May 11.

One of our group, Sue Brown, recovering from injury, was unable to play and we were fortunate that our chairman David Brown was able to make up the numbers. 

This gave Sue the chance to help sort out the pairings and the order of play for the afternoon. 

The sun shone, and after two hours of play which included a lot of laughter and chasing tennis balls, it was decided that the match was drawn as the format changed.

Fortunately none of the balls left the courts and disrupted the neighbouring bowls match. 

After the tennis, a Cornish cream tea was a very welcome sight with delicious scones baked by Carl the chef at Wroes Cafe, and everyone tucked in while sitting outside soaking up the unexpected sunshine.