By Adam Hilton

Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club race report – Sunday, August 25

Pursuit 6

SEVEN helms considered racing at Upper Tamar Lake on Sunday, five signed on to do so, four started the race, but only two finished it. 

It was not so much the strength of the base winds – they rarely reached the forecast 15mph – but the chaotic nature of the gusts that made sailing so difficult and for most impossible. 

Dave Perrett launched his Solo (with a small sail), tasted the tumultuous winds in the middle of the Lake and returned to the sanctuary of the shore. 

Vicki Duncalf (Topper) started this Pursuit race first. She lasted almost a whole lap before retiring. 

Brian Pollard with Natasha Routley as crew crossed the line next, made it to Pinkie, capsized, righted the boat without assistance and continued to the end, the crew heroically bailing out as they went. 

James Pollard (Laser Full) came next. He retired after a while because he was worried that he might damage his borrowed Laser. Nathan Pollard (Laser 4.7) started last, overtook the Bosun and won.

Results: 1 Nathan Pollard (Laser 4.7); 2 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun). DNS: Dave Perrett (Solo), Retired: James Pollard (Laser Full) and Vicki Duncalf (Topper).

Sailboat 7

NATHAN Pollard (Laser 4.7) crossed the line first in conditions that remained violent. 

He gradually increased his lead over the only two other entrants willing to brave this unrestful Tamar Lake, brother James and dad Brian Pollard who sailed with Natasha Routley as crew in the Bosun.

Results: 1 Nathan Pollard (Laser 4.7); 2 James Pollard (Laser 4.7); 3 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun).

Thanks were given to Geoff Floyd who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who took the photos.