Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club race report – Sunday, June 2

Barnwell Two

LIAM Routley in a Laser Radial had an excellent start in his first race, while he was followed by Brian Pollard’s Bosun with Liam’s sister Natasha crewing. 

But as the fleet beat up to Middle buoy Dave Perrett’s high-pointing Solo opened up a good lead followed by the Bosun and Adam Hilton’s slow-starting Solo. 

On the long run back from the top of the lake, Hilton’s Solo took over the lead and on lap two the Solos extended their lead. 

Robin Spiller, who struggled with a wayward traveller on his new Solo, over took the Bosun but went the wrong side of Pinkie buoy and had to retire.

Results: 1 Adam Hilton (Solo); 2 Dave Perrett (Solo); 3 Liam Routley (Laser Full); 4 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun). Retired: Robin Spiller (Solo), Liam Routley (Laser Radial).

Tamar Four

VICKI Duncalf’s Topper and Linda Spiller’s Laser Radial joined the fleet in a freshening, if still erratic breeze.

The Topper crossed the line first but the two Solos were again quickest on the beat to Middle with Dave Perrett’s leading the pair and extending the gap until a capsize ended Adam Hilton’s race on lap three.

Liam Routledge led the two Radials on lap one but after a stealing each other’s wind on the run back down the lake, he was overtaken by Linda Spiller.

She then established a comfortable lead over him but never reached the Solos ahead.

Vicki Duncalf finished a handsome third and the handicap promoted her to second.

Results: 1 Dave Perrett (Solo); 2 Vicki Duncalf (Topper); 3 Linda Spiller (Laser Radial); 4 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun); 5 Liam Routley (Laser Radial). Retired: Adam Hilton (Solo).

Thanks were given to the race officers of the day, Vicki Duncalf and Nathan Pollard.