By Adam Hilton

Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club race report – Sunday, August 18


DAVE Perrett (Solo, with a small sail) was first over the line. 

He was at the far end of the start line on starboard tack when most of the fleet started on port.

He benefitted from the clean air and was still first rounding the first buoy, followed by Jane Anderson. 

By the time the fleet reached the top of the lake, James and Nathan Pollard had exploited their Lasers’ speed and were first and second. 

It was a sunny/cloudy day with a moderate wind and quite powerful gusts, reducing as time went on. 

The Bosuns, Roger Heasman’s with Adam Hilton and Brian Pollard’s with Natasha Routley, tussled with Heasman’s edging it.

Results: 1 James Pollard (Laser Full); 2 Nathan Pollard (Laser Full); 3 Jane Anderson (Laser 4.7); 4 Roger Heasman and Adam Hilton (Bosun); 5 Vicki Duncalf (Topper); 6 Dave Perrett (Solo); 7 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun). Retired: Robin Spiller (Solo).


WITH the wind reducing, two of the Solos had full-sized sails.

The long beat to Far was reduced to Pinkie which Nathan Pollard was the first to reach. He led at the end of each lap. Jane Anderson’s Laser 4.7 was never far from Dave Perrett’s Solo; she finishing some 30 seconds behind, fourth on the water.

Brian Pollard spent most of the race as the lead Bosun but lost the position to Roger Heasman on the last lap.

Results: 1 Nathan Pollard (Laser Full); 2 James Pollard (Laser Full); 3 Jane Anderson (Laser 4.7); 4 Dave Perrett (Solo); 5 Vicki Duncalf (Topper); 6 Paul Anderson (Laser Radial); 7 Roger Heasman and Bob Sampson (Bosun); 8 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun); 9 Robin Spiller (Solo); 10 Adam Hilton (Solo); 11 Liam Routley (Laser Full).