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Public Notices
DEFRA issue urgent bird flu warning as ban on 'gatherings' announced
Three quarters of social housing has no or partial floor coverings
Villagers battle to 'save the Bettle'
Cornwall Housing issues warning to tenants over scam
Councillor takes stand on affordable homes deal
Cornwall told ‘hold your nerve’ on devolution deal
Pilot of in-house money advice service launches for those in crisis
Councillor denies Cornwall Council car parks are being sold off
Council handyperson service could be axed in cost cutting exercise
Cornwall Council is looking to help balance the budget due to increased demand and rising costs
Scathing shots fired at Cornwall’s biggest house-builder
Council receives thousands of tenant complaints in last five years
Launceston residents express concern over new housing development
Plans to demolish Bude hotel for retirement apartments refused
Development of 195 'affordable homes' gets underway
Campaign on tenants moving into homes without carpets
Councils team up to raise concerns over housebuilding targets
‘Heartache’ of Cornwall’s housing crisis laid bare in Parliament
Why Cornwall Council can't use reserves to fend off financial issues
It comes amid speculation that all non urgent and emergency repairs would be paused
Cornwall’s ‘grave’ housing crisis discussed in Parliament
Revolutionary group look for an escape from Cornwall's housing crisis
Wait is over for residents evacuated from homes in 2018
Cornwall is experiencing biggest drop in property sales since 2008
"North Cornwall will always come first for me" says newly elected MP
More than 40,000 in Cornwall operating on a negative budget
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