By Adam Hilton

Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club race report – Sunday, September 1

Tamar Nine

VICKI Duncalf reached the start moments too soon and had to return. 

Roger Heasman (Graham Joyce crewing his Bosun) arrived next but had infringed Nathan Pollard’s rights and at the end retired.

At Dam Green, Jane Anderson’s Radial led but by Inlet Nathan Pollard had got his big sailed Laser in front where it stayed. 

The light winds were from the southeast and the lake was agreeably angler-free except for a clump near West which the course avoided, going instead all the way north to Far. 

The first lap took the leader 22 minutes so the race was shortened to two laps. 

Brian Pollard’s rarely seen Taser threatened to take third place for a while and Vicki Duncalf had a spell leading the Heasman Bosun.

Results: 1 Nathan Pollard (Laser Full); 2 Jane Anderson (Laser Radial); 3 Vicki Duncalf (Topper); 4 Liam Routley (laser Full); 5 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Taser). Retired: Roger Heasman and Graham Joyce (Bosun)

Cup Eight

ROBIN Spiller got the bow of his Solo over the start line first but could only manage fourth round the first buoy where the trio of Lasers – Nathan Pollard and Linda Spiller with full sails, Jane Anderson with a Radial – took over the front of the fleet. The Radial managed to hold onto second place until a well-judged tack by Linda Spiller on the long beat from Far back down to the Dam gave her second place.

Results: 1 Nathan Pollard (Laser Full); 2 Linda Spiller (Laser Full); 3 Jane Anderson (Laser Radial); 4 Roger Heasman and Graham Joyce (Bosun); 5 Vicki Duncalf (Topper); 6 Robin Spiller (Solo); 7 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Taser)

Thanks were given to Adam Hilton who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who took the photos.